Knowledge not information

Knowledgenot information

Our one aim is to develop and deliver the best agronomy and crop production service we can, underpinned by the highest standards of professional practice and focused on a genuine desire to make a real difference for our customers. Achieving this in an increasingly challenging environment for crop production demands an unrelenting commitment to building knowledge. It’s why…

  • We’ve invested in our unique 4Cast system that processes real-world outcomes from thousands of UK arable acres over many years.
  • We run multi-site research and development trials to determine best practice for the future across a range of crop production areas.
  • We have a dedicated technical council and agronomy team working at development level with leading agrochemical companies.
  • We put the highest emphasis on the training of professional but practically-based agronomists.
  • We are closely involved with all key environmental, legislative and advisory bodies.

We’re constantly questioning, developing and refining information to achieve one very important end result – the very best possible advice and outcomes for our customers.