Investment in fodder beet can maximise returns

Fodder beet should be a serious consideration for livestock farmers this spring, given its potential to be the highest yielding of UK-grown forage crops and the cheapest per unit of […]
Farm experience underlines role of early foliar nutrition in accelerating sugar beet establishment

Early applications of foliar nutrition could be key to helping this year’s sugar beet crops establish after the effects of the difficult winter. That is the message from experienced Eastern […]

Despite increasing concerns regarding the spread of herbicide-resistant ryegrass, effective control can still be achieved where a stacked and sequenced programme of herbicides is applied accurately and in favourable conditions. […]
Open day explores lessons from autumn’s early drilling

The legacy of last autumn’s early cereal drilling on disease was a hot topic at ProCam’s recent summer open day in Yorkshire. Although not the case everywhere, a lot of […]
Diversify grassland swards at reseeding to offset N & boost DM

Trials carried out by ProCam’s Field Options division have shown that introducing clover and herbs at reseeding not only reduces the need for purchased fertiliser, but also gives grassland swards […]
Timely launch of new service to make sense of soil science

A new soil analysis and nutrient planning service, designed to help farmers gain a deeper understanding of their soil and take practical steps towards protecting and improving this key asset, […]